Empowering Adults with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in Springboro, Ohio
Empowered of Springboro offers Traditional and Community Based Day Services. We offer services Monday thru Friday with some evening and weekend options.
This building was constructed in 2019, specifically to provide the best day service experience possible. We have a fleet of vans dedicated to this location providing transportation to much of Warren County and portions of Butler and Montgomery County as well. Our services are primarily paid for by DD Waivers (I/O, Level 1 and SELF) with private pay and county contract options as well. Take a look our photo gallery, location map and feel free to call for information about touring and enrollment.
This building was constructed in 2019, specifically to provide the best day service experience possible. We have a fleet of vans dedicated to this location providing transportation to much of Warren County and portions of Butler and Montgomery County as well. Our services are primarily paid for by DD Waivers (I/O, Level 1 and SELF) with private pay and county contract options as well. Take a look our photo gallery, location map and feel free to call for information about touring and enrollment.
Springboro Contact Info:42 South Richards Run
Springboro, OH 45066 937-771-0776 ext: 101 Branch Manager: Interim: Tina Higgins (Regional Director) [email protected] 937-613-1635 |